Photography, as an artistic medium, has undergone a significant evolution since its inception in the 19th century. Its ability to capture reality, interpret social and political contexts, and express human creativity makes it an essential form of contemporary art. The photography collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Americas (MoCAA) not only enriches its cultural heritage but also addresses the pressing need to document, preserve, and celebrate the diversity and cultural richness of the Americas.
MoCAA recognizes that traditional photography allows its practitioners to capture historical, social, and personal moments with immediacy and precision unmatched by other media. This makes it an invaluable tool for documenting the evolution of American societies and their diverse cultures. On the other hand, creative and abstract photography transcends its utilitarian function, enabling artists to explore and express their inner worlds, emotions, and subjective perceptions, often breaking the barriers of literal representation and delving into the realm of imagination and personal interpretation.