Photography, as an artistic medium, has undergone a significant evolution since its inception in the 19th century. Its ability to capture reality, interpret social and political contexts, and express human creativity makes it an essential form of contemporary art. The photography collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Americas (MoCAA) not only enriches its cultural heritage but also addresses the pressing need to document, preserve, and celebrate the diversity and cultural richness of the Americas.
MoCAA recognizes that traditional photography allows its practitioners to capture historical, social, and personal moments with immediacy and precision unmatched by other media. This makes it an invaluable tool for documenting the evolution of American societies and their diverse cultures. On the other hand, creative and abstract photography transcends its utilitarian function, enabling artists to explore and express their inner worlds, emotions, and subjective perceptions, often breaking the barriers of literal representation and delving into the realm of imagination and personal interpretation.
The MoCAA photography collection focuses on both these aspects. Acknowledging that the Americas are a unique melting pot of cultures, its photographic records, regardless of their intent or purpose, offer a unique platform to explore and present these multiple identities, illustrating the vast array of experiences and realities of the different ethnic, social, and economic groups on the continent.
Special attention is paid by the curators of the photography collection to artists experimenting with new techniques and forms of presentation derived from technological advances. The transition from analog to digital photography is a revolutionary development. Modern digital cameras offer extremely high resolution, a wide range of ISO sensitivities, and advanced image processing capabilities, allowing photographers to capture details with unprecedented precision. Additionally, editing and post-production tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and Capture One have significantly improved, offering a wide range of functions for detailed image manipulation. When combined with the latest incorporation of artificial intelligence in photography, we find a landscape where the possibilities for individual expression are virtually limitless, facilitating the emergence of a new visuality and a novel way of reflecting the particularities of each culture and community. This not only enriches artistic practice but also attracts an audience interested in digital innovations and new art forms.
The modest photography collection serves as a visual archive that allows us to preserve this indispensable fragment of the collective memory of our communities. This archive is crucial for future generations wishing to study and understand the historical and cultural evolution of the continent. Furthermore, viewed as a whole, it has the power to educate and sensitize the public about relevant issues such as human rights, social justice, cultural identity, and biodiversity. Through systematic exposure and related educational programs, the museum fosters a greater understanding and appreciation of these issues. It can also inspire new local talents to explore photography as a medium of expression.
In a cosmopolitan city like Miami, where multiple cultures and nationalities converge, it is essential to build all possible bridges for intercultural dialogue, promoting mutual understanding and respect among the diverse communities that make up the Americas.
MoCAA's collection is constantly growing and aims to become a platform for emerging photographers and visual artists, giving them the opportunity to exhibit their work and interact with a broader audience, thereby fostering the development of the local art scene. Each year, we organize two to three exhibitions dedicated exclusively to photography, and in all general exhibitions, there is always a significant group of photographic pieces.
The collection consists of around 50 pieces, including originals by such prominent artists as Raúl Corrales, Rogelio López Marín (Gory), Raúl Cañibano, René Peña, Cirenaica Moreira, Bella Cardim, Marianela Orozco, among many others.