In an initiative to enrich our local community and support the artistic sphere, the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Americas of Kendall (formerly Kendall Art Center) established the SOFLO New Artist program in May of 2022. The purpose of this program is to promote new, emerging and mid-career artists. This program seeks to highlight and make known the cultural and artistic richness that resides in our community, allowing its members to discover and appreciate the incredible local talent.

Beyond simple promotion, SOFLO New Artist intends to serve as a springboard for the development of artistic careers. Offering a platform for these artists can open the door to new opportunities and provide them with greater visibility at a national and even international level. This effort will also provide artists a platform to share and disseminate their creative processes, inspirations, and experiences through a variety of interactive activities such as talks and workshops.

Additionally, this initiative will promote diversity and inclusion in the arts by welcoming artists from various backgrounds, genders, ages, and perspectives. We are committed to creating an environment that celebrates all forms of artistic expression and provides all artists the opportunity to shine. The impact of this program will also be felt in the local economy. By attracting visitors to the museum, we will be generating indirect income that will benefit the community as a whole, as visitors may spend on accommodation, food, transport, and other local services.

Moreover, emerging and mid-career artists are often a source of innovation and bring new approaches to art. By including them in our museum, we stay fresh, relevant, and in tune with contemporary art trends. With this program, we seek not only to support individual artists but also to foster the formation of a community of artists and art enthusiasts who can collaborate, exchange ideas, and support each other. We believe this is a key way to enrich the cultural life of our community and ensure it continues to thrive.

The Museum of Contemporary Art of the Americas of Kendall is currently drafting an open call program with the aim of organizing systematic and predominantly collective exhibitions during the summer months to materialize and implement all these initiatives. These short-term exhibitions will take place in the Aldo Menéndez room, the former transitional room of the Institution.

Please bear with us, our page is under construction and information is being continuously updated.


KAC Unveils Family Ties with a Performance by Guitarist Arturo Castro

Arturo Castro Nogueras is an artist who draws on the rich cultural tapestry that spans his diverse heritage.

Curated by


MoCAA Team

November 26th, 2021

As part of the Musical Canvas program, the Kendall Art Center, now the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Americas, showcased classical guitarist Arturo Castro Nogueras on November 26, 2021, as part of the Family Ties exhibition. This exhibition presented the public with art from two families composed entirely of artists. His performance, which delighted the audience for nearly half an hour, included excerpts from internationally renowned tunes, thoroughly enjoyed by those in attendance.

Arturo Castro Nogueras is an artist who draws on the rich cultural tapestry that spans his diverse heritage. Born to two pianists and of Cuban, Mexican, and Puerto Rican descent, he has performed extensively in Europe, Africa, and the Americas, including sold-out concerts at the Düsseldorf Festival, the Reading Fringe Festival in the UK, the National Art Museum in Mexico City, the St. Donatus Festival in Croatia, and the Iberoamerican Institute in Berlin. At these and many other venues, he has presented a repertoire of contemporary music and classical Mexican and Caribbean music.

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