Rafael Zarza (b. October 1944 in Havana, Cuba) is a Cuban artist specializing in painting, engraving, graphic design and illustration. Zarza studied drawing and painting from 1959 to 1963 at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes "San Alejandro" in Havana. He was a member of the Taller Experimental de Gráfica (TEG) at the Plaza de la Catedral in Havana from 1965 to 1996. In addition, he was juror in the Salón de Artes Plásticas UNEAC '82 at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana in Havana. Among his most relevant exhibitions can be included, his 1972 exhibition "Grabados y Dibujos" at the Galeria Viva in México as well as Caracas, Venezuela. In 1980, he exhibited "Grabados y Carteles de Rafael Zarza" at the Sala de Exposición, Centro Cultural Arabe, in Damascus, Syria. In 1995, he exhibited his works "Tauropatía. Zarza. Obra Gráfica" at the Galeria Espuela de Plata, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales in Havana. In 1998, he presented his works "30 años no son nada" (litografías 1967–1998) at the Galeria del Grabado, Taller Experimental de Gráfica (TEG), in Havana.

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In Kendall Art Center

Tauromachy. The graphic Art of Rafael Zarza

Curated by R10 (Jorge Rodriguez Diez)

July 1st, 2022

Zarza, Rafael

in the collection of the Fine Art Ceramic Center

Zarza, Rafael

Mascara Iaca de la Mukanda or circuncision (Iaca Mask of the Mukanda ceremony or circumcision), (2 of 30), 2019, silkscreen print, 8 x 11.5"
Mascara Tshokwe Angola, (Mask of the Tshokew people in Angola), (2 of 30), 2019, silkscreen print, 8 x 11.5"
Mascara Bufala Lunda-Tshoke (Kiokos), (Mask of the Tshokwe or Kioko people), (2 of 30), 2019, silkscreen print, 8 x 11.5"
Toros con Peligro (Bulls with Danger), VI/XI, 2008, silkscreen print, 8 x 11"
Goya vestido de Torero (Goya dressed as a bullfighter), 2016, silkscreen print
Goya en Burdeos (Goya in Burgundy), 2015, silkscreen print
John Lennon, 1985, 2019, silkscreen print
Led Zeppelin Whole lotta Love, 1988, silkscreen print
Pink Floyd Another Brick in the Wall, 1988, silkscreen print
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