Rubén Torres Llorca (b. Havana, 1957). He studied at the San Alejandro Academy of Fine Arts and at the Higher Institute of Art, both in Havana. He exhibited at Volumen I (1981), the iconic exhibition that revolutionized Cuban art. Some of his solo exhibitions are: “One Of Us Can Be Wrong And Other Essays” (Juan Ruiz Gallery, Miami, 2012), “The Names Have Been Changed to Protect the Guilty” (Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, San Juan, 2008), “Una historia para niños basada en un crimen real” (Centro Cultural Español, Miami, 2007), “Easy to Built/Modelo para armar” (Frost Museum of Art, Miami, 2006). He has participated at several group exhibitions such as, I and III Havana Biennials, Sao Paulo Biennial (1989), “Kuba OK” (Stadtische Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf, Germany, 1990), “Iconocracia” (CAAM, 2015), “ConTexto” (Museo Universitario Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, 2016). His work is part of the collections of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Havana), Ludwig Forum Fur Internationale Kunst (Aachen, Germany), Museo del Barrio (New York), Miami Art Museum, Frost Museum of Art (Miami), among others.

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Torres Llorca, Rubén

in the collection of the Fine Art Ceramic Center

Torres Llorca, Rubén

Here it come that heavy love, 2015, mixed media, 40x72"
The Fighter 2012 mixed media on board 30 x 48"
Brother Can You Spare a Dime, 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 76 x 36"
Elementary (Solo El Crimen Paga Bien) 2016 Mixed media 81 x 55"
Si tu supieras, 1973"
Adorno NumerO Uno 2015 acrylic on canvas 79 x 79"
How Long can You Keep the wolf from the door?, 2011, acrylic on wood, 36 x 36"
La sorpresa, 1983
Las armas secretas, 2012, mixed media, 38 x 37 x 17”
Figure 17, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36"
Hand painted ceramic, 2020, 15” ø.
Hand painted ceramic, 2020, 15” ø.
Hand painted ceramic, 2020, 15” ø.
Hand painted ceramic, 2020, 15” ø.
Hand painted ceramic, 2020, 15” ø.
Hand painted ceramic, 2020, 15” ø.
Hand painted ceramic, 2020, 15” ø.
Hand painted ceramic, 2020, 15” ø.
Hand painted ceramic, 2020, 15” ø.
Hand painted ceramic, 2020, 15” ø.
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