Havana, 1954

1982 Graduated Superior Institute of Art, ISA, Havana, Cuba

1977 Graduated of National School of Art, Havana, Cuba

Angel Ramirez’s art is recognizable by its clear and precise iconoclastic sagacity. Using recycled objects, text and images, many taken from medieval times, he builds a language that reveals daily life in Cuba today. Facing his paintings and prints it is impossible not to smile — and become thoughtful. Splendid images, sometimes accompanied by text or words bring to the fore his talent, intelligence, sense of humor and use of sarcasm which all work together to produce the visual poetry that defines his work. His work is part of important private art collectors and museums all over the world.


Third Prize. First Graphics Biennial. Argentina.

Order for National Culture.

Biannual Prize of the Critics. Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC).

Prize of the 8th San Juan Biennial of Latin American and Caribbean Print. Puerto Rico.

Prize of the Hermanos Saiz Association. Havana, Cuba.

Prize of the City Salon. Havana, Cuba.

Prize of the 2nd National Print Meeting. Havana, Cuba.


Fine Arts National Museum, Havana, Cuba

National Graphic Museum. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Culture Institute of Puerto Rico, San Juan Puerto Rico

Van Reekum Museum, Apeldoorn, Netherlands

Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca, Spain

Algården artist workshops and Gallery, Borås, Sweden

Collection Press Kit LTD. Tokyo Japan

San Francisco’s Church. Historian’s City Office. Havana. Cuba

Contemporary Cuban Art Museum, Vienna, Austria


2004 – Workshop. Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró, Mallorca, Spain

1999 – International Print Workshop “La Huella Múltiple”. Higher Institute of Art, Havana, Cuba

1998 – Print Workshop. Art Museum of Huelva, Spain.

1996, 1998, 2004 – Workshop. Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró. Mallorca, Spain

1993 – Lithographic Workshop at TAGA, Taller de Artistas Gráficos Asociados (Workshop of Associated Graphic Artists). Caracas, Venezuela.

1991 – Workshop on Three-dimensional Print. “Armando Reberón” Institute. Caracas, Venezuela.

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Ramírez Roque, Ángel Manuel

in the collection of the Fine Art Ceramic Center

Ramírez Roque, Ángel Manuel

Presente, circa 1997 Lithography | 20 x 27½ Inches Edition 8/15
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