Born in 1983 in Villa Clara, Cuba, this visual artist pursued intermediate and higher education in the arts from 1998 to 2002 at the Oscar Fernández Morera Academy of Fine Arts in Trinidad. She continued her studies in scenic design from 2003 to 2008 at the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana, followed by a Master's degree in Art Studies from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. Her artistic career encompasses four solo exhibitions and over forty group shows, both domestically and internationally. Recent notable exhibitions include 'Paradas Continuas' (2022) in Mérida, 'Mujeres in da House' (2022), 'Documenta Madrid' (2022), 'El Charco y la Curva' (2022), and 'Soneto de Fidelidad' (2021) in Mexico City. Additionally, 'Imán IV' (2019) was featured at the National Meeting of Abstract Art at Collage Habana Gallery, and 'Sugerencias Gestuales' (2018) in Santiago de Cuba. Her work has been exhibited in Canada, France, and the United States and has garnered significant awards in the field of visual arts. Her creations have been featured in prominent publications, including Luis García's 'The Abstraction in Cuban Painting' (2016), published in the United States.

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Martínez Molina, Yanet

in the collection of the Fine Art Ceramic Center

Martínez Molina, Yanet

Possible Paths Unique Pieces, polyptych, 12 Pieces Thread and acrylic on canvas, 9¾ x 7¾ inches each
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